Weave Protection, Advance Care, Safeguard Communities

One Fiber at a Time

Who are we?

Compliance Shark is a pioneer in the linen, laundry, and infection prevention industry.

With the rise of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI), that is, infections people get while being treated for another condition, full patient care, top-of-the-line facility maintenance, stitched together by a compliant culture, are of the utmost importance among our modern-day healthcare circle facilities.

At Compliance Shark, we’re grounded by our commitment to protect our community’s most vulnerable – from newborns to the elderly.

Our team collaborates intimately with yours to ensure that your facility not only meets the highest industry standards and guidelines but also establishes the compliant culture needed to embrace, support, and protect your patients and our community.

From inspections and laboratory testing to ongoing personnel training and quality system documentation, our services and partnership extend beyond a one-time solution so that your organization can obtain the necessary guidance and support to ensure long-term success.

How it works

By following these three steps, Compliance Shark will help your organization establish and maintain a robust linen compliance program, ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulations.

Additionally, our subscription plan offers ongoing support, including regular compliance check-ups, staff training, documentation review, and risk assessment reports.

1. Initial Virtual Meeting

We start with an initial virtual meeting to understand your organization's needs. During this time, we gather relevant information and discuss the specific Compliance Shark services that your organization requires.

2. Initial Linen Program Risk Assessment

Next, our team will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your linen program during a one-day visit to your facility. We'll examine various aspects, including the end-to-end linen process, infrastructure, employee practices, and documentation review.

3. Full Linen Compliance Program Delivery

Within a week, we will provide you with a detailed report highlighting program deficiencies and recommended actions for remediation. We'll schedule a discussion to go over these findings and offer recommendations on next steps to achieve compliance.

Visit Us

2310 A Street, Tacoma,
WA, 98402


(425) 765-8894